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  • How does my child apply for the Magnet Program?
    Simply apply online during the application period. Please note that you must complete and submit the application within three days of activating your account. In addition, if you elect not to upload the required documentation (report cards, proof-of-residency) you must hand-deliver to the school selected as your first-choice. Finally, a copy of the signature page must be delivered to your first choice school within four days of submission.
  • Can my child apply to any Magnet Program?
    Yes. Your child may apply to any magnet program of interest provided he/she meets the entrance requirements. Note that each student may only submit an online application (first and second choice) each school year. (High school seniors are not allowed to apply for a magnet program.)
  • Will my child lose any credits already earned?
    No. Magnet programs enhance the education your child has already received.
  • If my child is already enrolled in a Magnet Program, does he/she need to reapply each year?"
    Students currently enrolled in a magnet program do NOT need to reapply as long as the applicant remains in a program at the same site. However, in order to remain in a magnet program, students must maintain the academic criteria used for acceptance into the program. If at any time a student fails to maintain the academic criteria, a student's magnet status may be revoked.
  • What if my child is on a Magnet Program's waiting pool?
    Students in a waiting pool MUST reapply for enrollment if their name is not selected during an application period for that academic school year.
  • What if I cannot deliver the signature page to the school?
    If you cannot hand-deliver the signature page, please call the school and speak with the Magnet Site Coordinator for other delivery options. If you elect to do so, please make sure you receive confirmation that the signature page was received.
  • We are moving to Baton Rouge for the 2025-2026 school year, but we do not yet have a residence in Baton Rouge. We would still like to apply during one of the designated application periods. What should we submit as proof of residency?
    You should submit proofs of residency from your current residence. Once you have relocated to Baton Rouge, you should submit the proper proofs of residency to the Magnet Coordinator of the school you have applied for. Please note: Even if assigned a seat, registration at the school will not be possible until the proper proof of residency is provided to the school per district policy.
  • We do not take the LEAP 2025 standardized test in our state. What test scores should we submit?
    The LEAP 2025 is the Louisiana state standardized test. We accept the state equivalent norm-referenced assessment for ELA and Math in the state your child is moving from.
  • Will I be able to apply for more than one magnet program?
    Each parent may submit one application indicating their first and second choice, depending on the grade level and the program.
  • How long does it take to complete the online application process?
    Typically, the process should take 10-15 minutes depending on the program for which you are applying.
  • What if I do not have access to a computer?
    Please contact the school or the Office of Magnet Programs at 922-5443 for assistance.
  • Is there another way of submitting an application other than using the online process?
    No, the application process is strictly electronic.
  • Once I've submitted the application electronically, how will I know that the submission is successful?"
    Once the application is completed online, you will receive a generated message based on the email address you provided when you created an account. Please note you must still submit the appropriate documentation if the information was not uploaded.
  • Should I allow anyone else to use my account?
    It is the user's responsibility to protect the integrity of any information entered in the system. This includes but is not limited to passwords or personal information about you or your child. You must also agree not to share your login information or password with anyone except a parent or legal guardian.
  • My account has been disabled because I've attempted to login too many times. Should I set up another account?
    No. You must call the Office of Magnet Programs for an administrator to assist you.
  • What if I create an account and do not complete the process within the specified three (3) day time frame?
    The account will be disabled. You will have to come to the Magnet Office in order to activate your account and to begin the process again.
  • If I apply by the application deadline, when is the absolute latest I can complete the application process?"
    The application portal will close on the last date of the application period at 11:59 p.m.; therefore, the application must be completed and submitted before that time. However, you will have until three days after the application period ends to submit the appropriate documentation to yourfirst-choice school.
  • Once I've delivered my documentation to the first-choice school, what proof will I have that the application was delivered within the three-day time frame?"
    A checklist, which will list the documentation you submitted, will be provided for your convenience. The Magnet Site Coordinator (or designee) will also check off the items they have received. If you do not see the information you uploaded or delivered checked in the Parent Dashboard, please contact the Magnet Site Coordinator at the first-choice school.
  • Can I change my first-choice selection even though my application has already been submitted to a school?
    Request for changes to an application must be receive in the Office of Magnet Programs on or before the last day of the application period. Changes to an application cannot be made after the selection process has been completed for any program.
  • I live in a nearby school district. Will my child be able to enroll in a magnet school in the East Baton Rouge School System?
    No. School districts are independent entities governed by local school board policies. Therefore, only students who reside in the East Baton Rouge Parish School District can apply and enroll in our magnet schools.
  • Is the application available in languages other than English?
    Parents can select which language they would like to complete the application in. If a language is not shown in the menu, please contact the Magnet Office for assistance.
  • What happens when a student applies after December 2, 2024?
    Those students will be assigned seats if they become available based on when the application was submitted and when the application is marked eligible. No priority will be considered during this stage including, but not limited to, students progressing from a magnet program, siblings, or students with, proximity or priority zone, or if a brother or sister was assigned during the initial selection process.
  • What if students are placed in a wait pool with more applicants than seats during the initial application period?
    Students who applied and are marked eligible during the first application period but placed in a wait pool will be assigned a seat before students who applied after December 2, 2022.
  • How will parents know their child’s waiting list number?
    The district does not assign students to wait lists; therefore, we will be unable to provide a specific number for parents. However, we will be able share the approximate number of students in the applicant’s designated pool.
  • Who will monitor and select students to ensure the process is fair and equitable?
    An external consultant selects students for each program based on the board approved process.
  • What if a student applies during the priority window but does not complete the application process?
    If the application is incomplete or documentation is not submitted before the initial selection process in January, the applicant cannot be considered for a seat based on the initial priority selection process; however, they will be able to reapply and placed in a wait pool based on the active designated pool.
  • How will the district determine who applied first?
    The application system digitally stamps the date and time that each application is submitted.
  • I applied during the priority application period; however, my child’s application was marked “incomplete” because the documentation was not submitted within the specified time frame."
    Will my child still be eligible for a seat if I submit the information later? The district’s goal is to ensure that each applicant has a fair and equitable opportunity to apply for a program, which includes completing the application process. Applications that are marked “incomplete” will be deleted. Therefore, applicants must reapply during active designated window.
  • How is the lottery conducted?
    An external consultant conducts the lottery for each application period using Board approved criteria.
  • When will parents be notified if they are selected to participate in a program?
    For applications completed in the priority pool, notification will be sent by mail if your child has been selected no later than January 31, 2025. If your application was marked "eligible" and you have not received an assignment or waiting pool letter by January 31, 2025, please contact the Magnet Office for assistance by phone (225-922-5443) or via email (
  • What if my child is not selected for the initial lottery process?
    Once the initial letters are mailed to those students who are accepted, parents must accept the seat and/or participate in a screening process. Once vacancies become available, students in the waiting pool will be offered seats using the district's approved selection process.
  • Will I receive a call from my second-choice school if I am not selected for the first-choice school?
    All correspondence for either first or second choice seats available are sent directly from the Magnet Office, not from each school. We only contact applicants from the second-choice pool if all seats for that program's grade level has been exhausted.
  • The system requires grades for two, consecutive years and test scores in English Language Arts and Math. What if I am only able to provide partial information?"
    The system is designed to allow parents to upload or hand-deliver information that may be missing from the application and submit within the four-day submission window. Once an application is marked "ineligible" because the application is incomplete, the process cannot be reversed.
  • If an applicant opts to hand-deliver proof of residency, how much time will they have to complete the process?"
    Any documentation must be delivered within four days after the application has been submitted.
  • If an applicant does not have a scanner, how can the information be uploaded?"
    Most documentation can be obtained in an electronic format, however, if an applicant cannot obtain a digital copy or have problems scanning the documents, please hand deliver your documentation to your first-choice school within three days.
  • What if I've changed my mind about the first-choice school and I've already submitted my application?
    We understand that parents may reconsider their first-choice school before the application period ends. You may change your selection by the LAST DAY of the application period during which the applciation was submitted (see below). This request can be made once, and must be received by the magnet office in writing. Priority Pool - September 30, 2024 - December 2, 2024 Winter Pool - December 3, 2024 - February 28, 2025 Spring Pool - March 1, 2025 - April 30, 2025 Extended Pool - May 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025
  • How do I determine which school to select as a second-choice school?
    Each parent must determine what school is right for their child, based on their needs or interest. Generally, if you select a school that is included in the district's second or extended application period, and your child has not been selected for their first-choice school, your chance of being offered a second-choice seat, will increase.
  • What if my child is selected for a second-choice seat but I've changed my mind?
    We strongly encourage parents to consider their second-choice selection before submitting the application. However, if your child is offered a second-choice seat but you chose not to accept it, your child's name will remain in the first choice waiting pool.
  • If we are moving to Baton Rouge during the current school year, can we apply for a seat during the same year?
    If you are looking for availability for the current school year, please contact the Office of Innovative and Specialized Programs for more information: 225-922-5443 or Based on board policy, all applications must have appropriate documentation submitted.
  • We are moving to Baton Rouge for the 2025-2026 school year, but the application process begins prior to our move. Can we still apply for next school year after the application portal opens in Fall of 2024?
    Yes, you may still apply. You should submit the proofs of residency from your current residence, and send the updated proofs of residency to the Magnet Coordinator of your first choice school as soon as you establish residency in Baton Rouge. Please note: You will not be able to register your student at the school, even if assigned, until you are able to prove proof of residency in Baton Rouge.
  • We do not take the LEAP 2025 test in the state we are moving from. What test scores should we submit with our application?
    You should submit the most recent scores from the state equivalent of a norm-referenced assessment in ELA and Math.

Call or visit the Magnet Program/Center of Excellence you are interested in, or call the Magnet Program Office at 225-922-5443.


Magnet Programs

1050 S. Foster Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70806 


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The East Baton Rouge Parish School System and all of its entities (including Career and Technical Education Programs) do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, disability, or gender in its educational programs and activities (including employment and application for employment), and it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender by Title IX (20 USC 168) and on the basis of disability by Section 504 (42 USC 794). The Title IX Coordinator is Andrew Davis, Director of Risk Management –, (225) 929-8705. The Section 504 Coordinator is Danielle Staten-Ojo –, (225) 326-5668.

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