Academic, Visual & Performing Arts
Program Eligibility
Screening process for applicants entering grades K-3; applicants entering grades 4-5 must submit report cards and perform on a level of Basic or above on LEAP 2025 or the equivalent on a norm-referenced assessment in both ELA and math. Applicants entering 6th grade will present a portfolio for entrance consideration.
Forest Heights Academy of Excellence is a dedicated visual performing arts and academic magnet school, serving kindergarten through fifth grade. Receiving national attention, Forest Heights has been named a 2017 U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School and a Magnet Schools of America Nationally Certified Magnet School. Collaborative planning and assessment among administration, grade level and arts faculty enables teachers to identify and meet each student’s academic needs, while performances and interdisciplinary projects allow students to regularly apply acquired knowledge and skills.
Modeling arts integration programming on guidelines and training provided by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Forest Heights Academy practices innovative approaches to differentiated instruction designed to maximize individual student success. In addition to core subject instruction, each week students receive at least five hours of arts instruction based on national and state standards taught by certified professional teaching artists in state-of-the-art studio classrooms, allowing students to develop artistic skills and personal aesthetics as core curriculum connections are made.
Recognized for continued academic success, Forest Heights is an "A" rated school where students receive rigorous, personalized instruction. Dance, theatre, visual art, choral music, instrumental music and creative writing classes integrate core curriculum concepts using a variety of learning styles, while teaching the fundamentals of each art form. With programming that evolves with student needs and technological innovation, Forest Heights Academy provides a nurturing environment for all children to excel.