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Broadcast Communications, Honors Academy


Program Eligibility


Grades: A cumulative 2.50 grade point average (GPA) based on the last four (4) consecutive semesters; students must have a cumulative 3.00 grade point average (GPA) based on the last four (4) consecutive semesters for Honors Program

Test scores: Perform on a level of Basic or above on LEAP 2025 or the equivalent on a norm-referenced assessment in both ELA and math

Istrouma Magnet High School's vision is to aid students in becoming skilled, knowledgeable, independent, and self-directed learners. At Istrouma High, the rigorous but engaging coursework will prepare students for a dynamic college experience, as well as entrance into the technology workforce upon exit from high school. Earning college credit, receiving industry certifications, and gaining valuable experience through summer internships are opportunities afforded to all students enrolled in this program.


In addition, students will form Design Technology Teams that will allow them to explore the Broadcast Communications. Students will work collaboratively to solve complex case studies. Because of this curriculum, students will be comfortable with and proficient in video broadcast communications using multiple forms of technology. They will gain experience using industry standard studio cameras, high-definition video equipment, lighting, switching and to enhance the video production experience. In addition, students will be proficient in public-speaking and photojournalism skills that will focus on collecting, editing and presenting material for publication and broadcasting on a closed-circuit channel.


Istrouma Magnet High School's Honors Academy provides a foundation for students to take accelerated courses in core subjects, such as math, science, social studies and English. In addition, students will enroll in Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Enrollment courses.

Call or visit the Magnet Program/Center of Excellence you are interested in, or call the Magnet Program Office at 225-922-5443.


Magnet Programs

1050 S. Foster Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70806 


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