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Mayfair Laboratory

9880 Hyacinth Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70810




Program Eligibility


Screening process for applicants entering grades K-3; applicants entering grades 4-5 must submit report cards and perform on a level of Basic or above on LEAP 2025 or the equivalent on a norm-referenced assessment in both ELA and math

Mayfair Laboratory School is a unique partnership between the East Baton Rouge School System and the University Laboratory School (ULS) at LSU.


It was created in 2013 as a K-3rd grade school, with plans to add a grade level each subsequent year through 8th grade in the year 2019.


The partnership between ULS and MLS came into being when it was questioned whether a lab school would perform well in a public school setting. University Lab School has traditionally been recognized as one of the highest performing schools in the state. 


Mayfair Lab follows the model of organization and instruction currently in place at the University Lab School. We emphasize rigorous instruction that allows students to perform at their highest levels.


In grades K-3, each classroom has two teachers: an instructor with a Master degree and an associate with at least a Bachelor degree. In grades 4-5, there are two instructors and one associate per grade level. Our dual teacher model in the elementary grades allows instruction to meet the students' needs with intervention and acceleration. 


With the extra support during foundational years, students progress to our middle school prepared for the rigorous coursework and are offered opportunities to explore interests and earn high school credits.


Learning is experiential.  By rooting academics in real world experiences, the content and skills gain purpose.  We create environments that allow students to explore areas of interest thus exciting them to dig deeper in pursuit of knowledge and empowering them to be the change makers in our global society.

Call or visit the Magnet Program/Center of Excellence you are interested in, or call the Magnet Program Office at 225-922-5443.


Magnet Programs

1050 S. Foster Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70806 


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The East Baton Rouge Parish School System and all of its entities (including Career and Technical Education Programs) do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, disability, or gender in its educational programs and activities (including employment and application for employment), and it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender by Title IX (20 USC 168) and on the basis of disability by Section 504 (42 USC 794). The Title IX Coordinator is Andrew Davis, Director of Risk Management –, (225) 929-8705. The Section 504 Coordinator is Danielle Staten-Ojo –, (225) 326-5668.

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