Magnet Programs Overview
Our magnet programs offer a wide range of opportunities with specialized curriculum in areas such as:
o Dual Enrollment
o Advanced Placement (AP) -
Creative Sciences and Arts
Digital Arts/Design
Visual and Performing Arts
Foreign Language Immersion
Pre-Engineering & Engineering
Health Sciences/Biomedical
Business and Government Affairs
Digital Media/Design/Broadcast Communications
The program offers a challenging interdisciplinary curriculum for high achieving students in grades K-12, offering advanced study such as dual enrollment for college credit, extended day services (elementary), expanded elective courses, STEAM -based and college readiness courses.
Many of the district's magnet schools have been recognized for earning Blue Ribbon status and for being awarded numerous Magnet Schools of America Merit Awards, including Baton Rouge Foreign Language Academic Immersion (BR FLAIM), Forest Heights Academy of Excellence, Westdale Heights Academic Magnet (WHAM), McKinley Middle Academic and Visual Performing Arts, Sherwood Middle Academic Magnet and Baton Rouge Magnet High.
The four visual and performing/digital communication arts programs funded by the Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) Grant, provides high-quality educational programs through implementation of a visual and performing or digital communication arts theme-based curriculum. Using a consistent, logical approach for the development and implementation of thematic instruction, the four magnets are established upon a strong school culture with an emphasis on delivering an outstanding education through highly-qualified and specialized teachers.
More information about the MSAP programs are available at www.ebrmsap.org.
Magnet Programs have no tuition fees and offer the following:
Advanced courses of study
Expanded elective offerings
Extended day services ( select elementary sites)
Free transportation
Lower student/teacher ratios
Siblings may enroll if the school has a traditional components and space is available