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Magnet High

9870 Scotland Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70807


Academic, Business; Engineering; Governmental Affairs/Law


Program Eligibility


Grades: A cumulative 2.50 grade point average (GPA) based on the last four (4) consecutive semesters; students must have a cumulative 3.00 grade point average (GPA) based on the last four (4) consecutive semesters for the Engineering Magnet Program

Test scores: Perform on a level of Basic or above on LEAP 2025 or the equivalent on a norm-referenced assessment in both ELA and math

Scotlandville's magnet program offers multiple tracks including Academic, Engineering, Business and Governmental Affairs.


The curriculum in engineering and the academic track is a rigorous sequence of courses that, when combined with college preparatory mathematics, science, English and social studies will prepare students for a successful post-secondary experience.


The Center of Excellence for Business Entrepreneurship is a full- time four year, seven period day program for students entering 9th grade, who are interested in starting their own business and becoming an entrepreneur. Students are exposed to local entrepreneurs who share their success stories and mentor them throughout the process. During their senior year, while enrolled in the Entrepreneurship class, they experience knowledge and practice in the only high school business incubator in the district.


This program allows all students, regardless of their academic standing or economic background, an opportunity to experience partnerships with local bankers, veterinarians, business leaders, local entrepreneurs, Junior Achievement volunteers and other business-related professionals.


Students participate in specialized courses and are eligible to enroll in Honors, Advanced Placement, and Dual Enrollment providing they meet required qualifications.


The school facility houses the only business incubator in the school system complete with office space, school-based enterprises as well as individual student run businesses.


The engineering program and the Academy of Engineering (a Project Lead The Way curriculum) are collaborative, creative, critical-thinking components of the magnet program highly focused on problem-solving skills, students are dynamic learners in an interactive and challenging instructional setting.


The engineering classrooms are filled with the latest design software, advanced materials and cutting-edge engineering equipment. Project-based assignments like programming robots lead to real world challenges and problem-solving opportunities.

Call or visit the Magnet Program/Center of Excellence you are interested in, or call the Magnet Program Office at 225-922-5443.


Magnet Programs

1050 S. Foster Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70806 


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The East Baton Rouge Parish School System and all of its entities (including Career and Technical Education Programs) do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, disability, or gender in its educational programs and activities (including employment and application for employment), and it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender by Title IX (20 USC 168) and on the basis of disability by Section 504 (42 USC 794). The Title IX Coordinator is Andrew Davis, Director of Risk Management –, (225) 929-8705. The Section 504 Coordinator is Danielle Staten-Ojo –, (225) 326-5668.

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