The Selection Process
The 2025-2026 Magnet Application Period will open on September 30, 2024 and will extend until June 30, 2025, with clearly defined selection points. Therefore, unlike previous application periods the portal will remain open even if seats are unavailable for a program. Consequently, applicants who apply by December 2, 2024, will first be selected for seats based on the board-approved selection process. Eligible applicants who apply after December 3rd will be placed in a wait pool if seats are no longer available.
Students who are eligible for a program will be selected for an available seat based on when they applied for a program and designated as follows and must be marked eligible within the time frame that an application was submitted:
Priority Pool - September 30, 2024 - December 2, 2024
Winter Pool - December 3, 2024 - February 28, 2025
Spring Pool - March 1, 2025 - April 30, 2025
Extended Pool - May 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025
How will I know if my child is accepted?
Applicants will be notified by mail of acceptance or a waiting pool status.
What if my child is in a waiting pool?
Students in a waiting pool MUST reapply each year until accepted into a Magnet Program. However, if there are students in the first waiting pool, those students will be assigned to available slots first.
Can my child apply to any Magnet Program?
Yes, as long as he or she meets the entrance requirements. However, applicants who are eligible during the first application period cannot reapply during the second and extended application periods.
What if my child's application is marked ineligible because of test scores during the first application period?
Applicants who do not meet a program's criteria because of test scores must wait until scores are released for the spring testing cycle before they can reapply for programs with seats still available.
Can my child apply to any Center of Excellence Program?
Yes, as long as he or she demonstrates an interest, takes at least one course in the area of interest, and maintains the retention requirements.
What if my child is already enrolled in a Magnet/Center of Excellence Program?
Students currently enrolled do NOT need to reapply for that program. Students must apply for the next building level school (elementary to middle and middle to high). However, in order to remain in a Magnet Program, students must maintain the requirements listed in the student/parent contract.
To submit an application, I noticed that two proofs-of-residency must be submitted. What if I live with someone but the bills are not in my name?
If a parent or legal guardian submits an Affidavit of Residency or a court-approved version instead of direct proofs of residency; the following will apply:
This Affidavit of Residency form submitted must be notarized; and include:
Two proofs of residency documents in the name of the homeowner listed on the affidavit must be submitted along with the affidavit;
A copy of the driver's licenses for both the parent/legal guardian and the homeowner listed on the affidavit.
Please note that the school system may investigate the domicile of a student to verify validity of an Affidavit of Residency through the principal and/or the Office of Child Welfare and Attendance.
Pursuant R.S.14:133, filing false records is a criminal offense for which the affiant may be charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.